Search Results for: intent – Page 3

Creating a culture of trust

We’ve talked a lot about trust this month – how to gain trust, why you need it and how to keep it.

The third element in building trust is relationships. By building relationships, we get to know and understand one another. Our work performance improves. So, how can your team help build relationships? Use these tips when building relationships with your team.

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Believing in humanity

Do you know what ‘Don’t shoot the messenger’ means? Don’t blame the one that delivers the message.

This is something that occurs often in the workplace and as a leader you should have grown out of it. By expressing anger toward someone giving you a message you need to hear kills trust.

You need to change your mindset because most people have the best intentions of what they are trying to do. Here’s how!

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What got you here won’t get you there!

You’re in your current role because you proved you were capable, and you’ve demonstrated your capability every day since. But every new role will ask something different from you and if you can’t show you have the required skills or knowledge, there’s little chance of getting the job.

If you want to keep climbing the career ladder you need to keep an eye on the rung ahead of you. And the rung ahead of that! Here’s How!

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What are you going to achieve in 2019?

Getting clear on your ideal future is critical because if you don’t know what it is, you can’t work towards it and chances are, you are leaving your chances of career success in the hands of others. Set yourself up for success this year with my help.

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ABC Regional Radio

Transcript What do you make of Warren Buffett’s 10 tips? Brilliant! We share similar philosophies. Unfortunately not similar bank accounts! They are simple, common sense

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Who is difficult; is it you or them?

Are they being difficult simply because they are stubborn? What part have your own actions played in their behaviour?  Or are you the one that’s actually being difficult? Here’s how to tell and what to do. >>

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What do you want to be known for?

Whether you’re transitioning into a new role in the workplace, changing jobs altogether, or, just focusing on the beginning of a new year, defining your intent helps you to set your pace and maintain your focus as the days go by.

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