Career Goal Reset – Week 3: Turn Dreams into Reality with Action Plans and Habits

Armed with clear targets, we then delved into Prioritising using the Eisenhower Matrix, a powerful tool to help you focus on what truly matters. Finally, we conducted an Alignment Check and Resource Assessment, ensuring your goals align with your values and that you have the resources needed to succeed. By now, you've essentially created a roadmap – a series of milestones marking your path to career success. This week, we're taking the next crucial step: transforming those milestones into tangible actions and building the habits that will fuel your journey.

Welcome back to our series on career goal setting! In the previous weeks, we embarked on an exciting journey of self-discovery and planning. In Week 1, we discussed the importance of setting clear career goals and how they contribute to your overall success. Week 2 was all about exploring the possibilities your career could hold and honing in on those aspirations, shaping them into SMART Goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound, a significant achievement in your career planning journey. (If you have found us halfway through the series, start here and here before you keep reading.)

Armed with clear targets, we then delved into Prioritising using the Eisenhower Matrix, a powerful tool to help you focus on what truly matters. Finally, we conducted an Alignment Check and Resource Assessment, ensuring your goals align with your values and that you have the resources needed to succeed.

By now, you’ve essentially created a roadmap – a series of milestones marking your path to career success. This week, we’re taking the next crucial step: transforming those milestones into tangible actions and building the habits that will fuel your journey.

Detailed Action Plans

The cornerstone of this week’s focus is the creation of detailed action plans. These plans serve as your roadmap, guiding you step-by-step towards each goal. Break down each goal into smaller, actionable tasks and set realistic deadlines for completion. Creating detailed action plans creates a sense of structure and progress, making your goals feel more attainable.

Example: Let’s say your goal is to become a project manager within the next two years. Your action plan might include:

    • Month 1-6: Research project management certifications (PMP, CAPM, etc.) and choose one to pursue.
    • Month 7-12: Enroll in a project management course or boot camp.
    • Month 13-18: Complete the certification exam and apply for entry-level project management roles.
    • Month 19-24: Gain experience in a junior project management position.


  1. Start by listing all the steps needed to achieve your goal.
  2. Break down each step into smaller, more manageable tasks.
  3. Assign deadlines to each task and visualise the timeline.

Forming daily Habits, Weekly Routines, and Monthly Check-ins

To support your action plans, establish daily habits that align with your goals. These could be small, consistent actions that, over time, lead to significant results. Complement these habits with weekly routines that keep you on track and allow you to monitor your progress.

Daily Habits:

  • Example: If your goal is to improve your communication skills, set a daily habit of reading for 15 minutes on effective communication techniques.
  • Action: Choose one or two small actions that directly contribute to your goal and make them non-negotiable parts of your daily routine.

Weekly Routines:

  • Example: Schedule a weekly one-hour block for online learning or professional development activities.
  • Action: Block off time in your calendar for activities that move you closer to your goal and treat them like any other necessary appointment.

Monthly Check-ins:

Don’t forget the power of monthly check-ins. Dedicate time each month to reflecting on your accomplishments, identifying any roadblocks, and adjusting your strategies if needed. This consistent review ensures you’re making steady headway towards your career aspirations.

  • Example: At the end of each month, review your progress against your action plan, identify areas for improvement, and celebrate your achievements.
  • Action: Set a recurring reminder in your calendar for your monthly check-in and use a journal or spreadsheet to track your progress.

Accountability Partners and Motivation Strategies

Building a support system is essential if you want to achieve all of your goals. Enlist accountability partners – friends, colleagues, or mentors – who can cheer you on, offer guidance, and keep you motivated. This support system is not just a luxury; it’s a necessity that will reassure you that you’re not alone in your career journey and that there are people who believe in your potential.

Accountability Partners:

  • Example: Find a colleague with similar career goals and agree to check in with each other weekly to discuss your progress and challenges.
  • Action: Reach out to people in your network who can offer support and encouragement. Consider joining a professional group or online community related to your field.

Motivation Strategies:

  • Example: Create a vision board with images and quotes representing your career aspirations. Place it somewhere you’ll see it daily.

Action: Experiment with different motivation techniques to find what works best for you. Motivation techniques include setting rewards, tracking your progress visually, or finding an inspirational mentor. The key is finding what resonates with you and motivating you on your career journey. This experimentation will give you a sense of control and ownership over your career journey.

Time Management: Making Time for Your Goals

Effective time management is essential for balancing your career aspirations with other commitments. Block out dedicated time in your schedule to work on your goals, even if it’s just a few minutes each day. As the saying goes, “Little by little, a little becomes a lot.”


  • Example: If you struggle to find time for professional development, wake up 30 minutes earlier each day to read industry articles or listen to podcasts.
  • Action: Analyse your current schedule and identify pockets of time that can be repurposed to work on your goals. Use time management tools like the Pomodoro Technique to maximise your productivity.

Your Career, Your Journey

Remember, the path to achieving your career goals is a personal one. Your action plan and habits will be unique to you. Embrace the process, be patient with yourself, and don’t be afraid to adjust your strategies along the way. With dedication and perseverance, you can turn your career dreams into reality. Stay open to new opportunities, and be prepared to adjust your plans if unexpected changes occur.

Next Week: Overcoming Obstacles and creating a mindset to stay motivated 

Even with the best-laid plans and habits, obstacles and setbacks will inevitably occur along your career journey. Next week, we’ll tackle these challenges head-on. We’ll explore common roadblocks that can derail your progress and share proven strategies for staying motivated even when the going gets tough. Stay tuned for practical tips and insights that will help you navigate any hurdles that come your way.

Are you still feeling overwhelmed by your career ambitions?

You’re not alone. I specialise in helping executives like you clarify their vision, create actionable plans, and achieve the results they desire. Let’s discuss your goals and see how coaching can support your journey.

Gain your competitive advantage to have courageous conversations and clear, concise communication.​

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