Why You Don’t Always Have to Take Action

action, Athena Coaching, Linda Murray

action, Athena Coaching, Linda MurrayIt takes a great deal of confidence and considerable experience to become an effective leader. For a leader to be an example to their team, they must consistently show steadiness in challenging situations, and make wise choices in difficult times. A successful leader has earned the trust of those who follow them, and those in management positions who are actively building on their leadership skills should always be conscious of how this trust takes time to build, but can easily be lost. One way for a leader to maintain this trust and respect is to always exhibit the same to the people on their team. One of the hardest things for many managers to learn is to trust the people working with them. Here we’ll look at three great reasons why letting go of the reins and trusting co-workers will benefit everyone, and help a manager emerge as a leader.

Teamwork is Essential

Steering all members of a team work towards common goals is a big part of a managers role. Dividing and delegating all tasks needed to complete a bigger picture project is important to get everyone working towards a positive result. While competition can occasionally be motivating, being clear that everyone is on the same team will help individuals give their personal best towards the team outcome. Giving individuals responsibility will free up a leader from micromanaging every step of the way.

Everyone is Important

Although all roles are different, they are all important, and when everyone is clear about and well positioned in their department, real progress can be made. Even though the manager’s role might be higher profile, making sure other members of the team receive proper acknowledgement of their work and adequate support for their development is necessary. It will, in turn, aid them to develop their ability to work independently, and be able to make lucrative decisions without the managers input at every turn.

A Leader is One of the Team

Placed at the head, in the role of mentor or guide, the leader is still very much one of the team, and their input should be consistent and obvious. This does not mean controlling others, however, but working alongside them, and being an example of the standard of work and level of effort that is acceptable. Managers who are in touch with their team and available to field questions about a project are the ones who will emerge as leaders.

Being in charge comes with responsibility, but does not mean every small decision and action has to be made by the leader. Managers who help instil good work practices for individuals and valuable processes for the team will know what they are capable of, and can confidently take responsibility for the work the team accomplishes.

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