Female Leadership and the Value of the Human Touch

Linda Murray, Athena Coaching, female leadership

Linda Murray, Athena Coaching, female leadershipOur world is becoming increasingly dependent upon hardware and software applications, and so many of today’s current careers and positions are becoming obsolete. Customers no longer have to wait on hold or even make a telephone call, to speak to a human representative to place an order or otherwise resolve their issues. It’s no longer necessary to walk into a physical store location to shop. Everything that you could want or need can be ordered and resolved at the touch of a button and without any interaction with a live human being.

Has Technology Eliminated the Need for Human Interaction?

With increasing automation, businesses are challenged to find ways to stand out from their competition. Technical skills and analysis are no longer enough to gain an edge. As unlikely as it now seems, the need for more human involvement and interaction in the workplace is growing.

Despite the fact that machines and software applications have assumed many of the traditional functions and roles in the workplace, there is now a real and increasing need for both leaders and associates to display a high degree of emotional intelligence and to have top-notch people skills.

As our reliance on machines grows, so does our desire for one-on-one human interaction. All of us crave caring and compassionate, dynamic, personalised experiences, that “human touch,” for which there is no app.

Rather than making humanity unnecessary, additional advances in technology continue to bring together increasingly diverse groups of people. Instead of becoming obsolete, the ability to develop and use social skills that foster trust, respect, co-operation and collaboration with others continue to gain in importance.

Can Embracing Traditional Feminine Aspects Make You a Better Leader?

Leaders can set themselves apart from their peers and gain a competitive advantage by using their people skills to work with others to foster creativity and innovation and develop unique solutions. In addition to eliminating certain positions, technological advances are the driving force behind the need for organisations to modify traditional leadership styles and to find and adopt new ways of motivating and leading others.

In the past, leading others has meant being able to “take charge of a situation”. This management method has traditionally been associated with masculine leadership. The rising leaders of today and tomorrow will stand out and excel by embracing nurturing aspects that are traditionally associated with female leadership.

Instead of reacting to circumstances and seeking to take charge of situations and people, leadership now means being proactive and “taking care” of those that are in your charge. It means using skills such as active listening and generosity to connect with your people so that you can learn what they need. It means providing them with what they need to grow and develop and reach their full potential as both fellow human beings and associates. Embracing this traditionally feminine aspect of leadership means learning how to manage, bolster and channel your team members’ energy and ideas and inspire them. Doing so creates an environment where they feel free to give you and your company their best efforts. In the end, everyone in your organisation and, society as a whole, benefits and succeeds.

Regardless of one’s gender, the ability to nurture and inspire others is not always a natural instinct. It is a skill that can be learned and improved upon like any other ability. Why not get in touch today to find out more about how we can help you to develop and sharpen these and other critical leadership skills with our Executive Coaching and Mentoring?

Gain your competitive advantage to have courageous conversations and clear, concise communication.​

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