Here’s How You’re Winning Against COVID-19 (and May Not Even Realize It)

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The COVID-19 pandemic put an end to life as we knew it almost overnight. Because of this, the last few months have been a constant struggle as we adapted, got creative, and learned to live with the new normal. And even though restrictions are being loosened, it looks like we’re going to be here for a while. But while the challenges that have been forced upon us have been inconvenient at the very least and scary at most, a small shift in mindset also shows that there are plenty of opportunities to be had. Let’s take a closer look.

An Opportunity to Take Stock

Being in quarantine or self-isolation can force one’s hand to change perspectives. This is undoubtedly a great time to take stock of one’s life and consider the many opportunities to make real and sustainable changes that serve you for the long haul. In many cases, these may have even presented themselves as adversities in disguise — making it very important, indeed, to keep your positivity in check so you recognize them as the opportunities that they really are.

Today, it’s not uncommon to hear of people losing their jobs as countless companies closed shop due to the pandemic. As difficult a situation as it might be to find oneself unemployed at such a fearful time, wallowing in the tragedy of it can prove to be even more harmful.

With this in mind, it’s healthier to see this as a chance to consider a career change that you may have thought of but shelved in the past. For example, if your real passion lies in writing, marketing, or graphic design, there’s really no better time than now to indulge that predilection, and you can find work as a freelancer on job platforms like Upwork. Of course, if you’re unsure about which career you’d like to pursue, you could always seek out coaching and training opportunities to help you find your way.

A Chance to Look Within

And in the same way that you take stock of your life, so must you check in with what’s inside — that is to say, how you’re feeling and thinking. No doubt, the pandemic is doing a number on your mental health, but this doesn’t mean you should just leave this unaddressed.

For this reason, it’s very crucial to adjust your pandemic routine so that it supports your emotional and mental well-being. A great way to do so is to make the conscious effort to be more mindful as you go about your day, constantly checking in with yourself to ensure you’re handling the onslaught of negativity so prevalent today in stride. Incorporating a meditation practice in your day is a great way to go about this, as are breathing exercises and journaling. Even physical activity helps, too, especially holistic exercises like yoga and Pilates.

A Shot at Being Enough

Lastly, you’ve probably noticed just how self-sufficient you can be when left to your own devices. Just a few months ago, many have relied on businesses and other people to provide their food, cut their hair, groom their pets, clean their homes, and so much more. And if you’ve done the same, chances are you would’ve been forced to improvise and DIY a number of things since the COVID-19 outbreak.

It’s a challenge, yes, but no doubt, you now also have a better handle on exactly what you are capable of and that all you need to have a quality life is, in fact, yourself. You’ve probably learned a valuable skill or two along the way, too, whether it’s cooking the food that you like, or thinking of imaginative ways to improve your home, or even cutting your own hair. The sky is truly the limit.

Indeed, at the end of the day, how well you survive and thrive in the pandemic and beyond hinges heavily on how adaptable you are and how willing you are to try something new. Ultimately, you’ll find that COVID-19 didn’t actually take away your power. Instead, it gave it back.

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