How to avoid burnout

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Do you find that at different stages of the year you start to feel a little bored in your job, agitated, frustrated, exhausted, lost and demotivated?

Chances are you could be suffering from burnout.

Burnout can happen at any stage in your career – and some days it may feel like you are treading water to stay afloat without really achieving anything positive.

You might find your energy levels dwindling, and yet you have to keep sprinting to get stuff done.

And then there’s those times when despite your efforts, you don’t feel like you are making a real difference, and your confidence is running at an all-time low.

So how can you avoid burnout while remaining fully engaged and energised?

How can you ensure that you are working to your full capacity, but doing so in a way that’s actually sustainable?

Here are a few simple changes you can make to get back into your game and be at your peak performance again.

To find out more take a look at my Peak Performance white paper via

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