Make Money: It’s Not About Being Rich

Linda Murray, Athena Coaching, money

Linda Murray, Athena CoachingMoney doesn’t buy happiness!

Oprah Winfrey, one of the richest people – not just woman – in the world said it well – “What material success does is provide you with the ability to concentrate on other things that really matter. And that is being able to make a difference, not only in your own life, but in other people’s lives.” If anyone knows about being wealthy AND making a difference, it’s Oprah. (Bill and Melinda Gates are pretty good at it too, but I digress.)

I’m sure you know financially comfortable people, or even wealthy people, who are incredibly unhappy, or people who seem to have little in the way of assets or money, but are the most content and joyous people in the room.

Are you looking at money the wrong way? It isn’t about getting rich – it’s about making as much as you can so you can make the world a better place.

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill

Motivation and purpose can make all the difference in your success and not just your happiness.

Another person in business worth listening to and learning from is Jerry Greenfield of Ben and Jerry’s who said “There is a spiritual aspect to business, just as there is to the lives of individuals. As you give, you receive. As you help others, you are helped in return.”

Consider what happens when people win large sums of money on lotteries. Many will immediately resign from their jobs, seeking to live a life of pleasure and materialism, but many recognise that work is part of the balance and purpose in life. They may change what they do and buy or start a business in an area of passion, but they seek achievement and want to make a contribution, despite the fact they may not be financially required to do so.

Earning and spending money is an insufficient motivator to sustain our happiness and spirit. We strive for and exist for more.

75% of consumers believe social responsibility is important, and up to 55% would choose a product that supports a worthy cause over one that does not. What this means is that if you can combine your financial goals with your desire to make a difference you can tick all the boxes, which can only lead to greater success and satisfaction.

If money is your only motivator, and you are desperate and striving to improve your cash at hand and increase assets at the cost of all other things, not only do you miss out on life and experiences, you can also lose focus and, of course, balance. It’s also impossible to keep up the pace without losing something in the process and that something could, in fact, be clarity, customers, opportunities and ultimately, that cash you so desire.

If you identify with any of these points and think you might need to review your motivation, business coaching and mentoring might be just what you need to bring out your best.

Gain your competitive advantage to have courageous conversations and clear, concise communication.​

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