The Importance of Building your network and 4 strategic relationships you need now!

In this month’s Athena Insights TV episode, I talk about how you can make networking work for you simply by adding one strategy to your mix.

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I believe WHO you know is the career freeway. WHO you know is the fast track to getting taps on the shoulder, important information and accessing more opportunities. And none of that happens on its own. To make this happen it’s important to always be actively working on and nurturing your network.

In this month’s Athena Insights TV episode, I talk about how you can make networking work for you simply by adding one strategy to your mix. I look at:

  1. Why it is essential to invest time in building your professional network
  2. The four key types of people you need in your network to help fast-track your success
  3. And why you need them to make networking work for you

If you’re an introvert and cringe at the thought of networking, stick with me. This one is for you too!

If you would like more information on building your network for either yourself, your team or the entire organisation, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch. 

Do you have a topic you would love to hear more about? Let us know!

Here’s to your success!

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