The Power of Intent

Athena Coaching, Linda Murray



What is intent really? Is it meaning to do something? Or is it an inner determination to reach a goal, and creating a clear path to get there? For me, and my clients it is the latter.


Setting intent is something I am very passionate about, and advocate in all areas of life. The idea of creating intent is to move you from idea to reality. By setting intent, you can be clear about what it is that you want to achieve, in life and your career. It helps to break down the steps to get there, celebrate mini wins and to know that you are on track for success. By using your intent you can step out of your comfort zone and become less overwhelmed by a big goal because you know you don’t have to achieve it all at once.  Just take one step at a time towards a bigger goal and make sure that it fits in with your intent.

Think about intent in this way.  When you get in the car in the morning and start the engine, do you have a clear idea of where you are going?  An address, a suburb or a location?  Do you drive around and just hope to reach your destination?  These days, it is a lot easier, of course, we can type the destination (or our intent) into the SatNav, and the journey is plotted out for us, usually showing some points of interest, (or short term goals) to keep us on track.  We can also choose to avoid grid lock, or accidents (barriers to success) and therefore reach our destination.

So how can you harness the power of intent to help you?

Once you have a clear goal you are aiming to reach, you then focus in on an intent word; that’s one word that clearly drives you towards your goal. When you have your intent word you can easily refer back to it during all decision making around that goal and ask yourself, does this decision serve my intent and get me closer to reaching my goal?

Take a look at your ideal destination (your goals). Are you achieving them?

If your answer is no think about what it is you need to do to get there and what your one intent word would be. If the next route doesn’t fit then perhaps you need to ask yourself if there is another way.

What is your intent word? Share in the comments section below.

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