Category: Executive

Four Tips for Winning the Promotion You Deserve

Why is it that some people seem to get every promotion they apply for while others are overlooked? Do you feel like you are always one of the people overlooked all the time?

You already know you can’t afford to wait for a promotion to be handed to you, so to climb the corporate ladder, you need to be proactive. What exactly does proactive mean in this context? Well, I have four tips for you which will lead you closer to winning the promotion you deserve.

Here we go.

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Are you playing it too safe at work?

Playing safe isn’t always the right thing to do. Playing it safe is all to do with feeling ready. We want to feel ready and capable of stepping up, don’t we? But “ready” is a comfort zone. We’re sitting safely in our well-worn comfort zone and we’re used to feeling safe and secure. Stepping up means leaving that safe place, so we focus on looking for a new one. Here’s how!

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Stop-Start-Continue: A model for maintaining evolution

Today I’d love to share a technique I use which will help your business evolution go smoothly.While many of us recognise the value of change, the problem we have is deciding where to start. One of the most frequent questions I am asked is, “How will I know what needs to be changed?I use this model to answer that question.

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Getting comfortable with delegation

To be an effective leader, confront your fear of failure and to trust your people. You need to assign real, meaningful work to your people and give them the freedom to take risks, try new things and be ready to support them if they fail. Try these tips for delegation>>

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Helping your team cope with change

Changes in the workplace fail because leaders don’t adequately anticipate and minimise their team’s resistance to any disruption in the status quo.

The following strategies will help you to better understand your team’s perspective. This will give you the insight you need to help your team deal with change.

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Gain your competitive advantage to have courageous conversations and clear, concise communication.​

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